Medicaid Expansion And Rural Areas
Since the majority of the rural populations are below the poverty line and uninsured, rural areas across the nation rely on community health centers for primary care. The increased federal funding from the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid expansion were thought to be solutions for improving the access and quality of care for these communities.
In a report from Health Affairs titled, Medicaid Expansion And Community Health Centers: Care Quality And Service Use Increased For Rural Patients, analysts looked into the changes in quality and access between 2011 and 2015. After comparing community health centers from states that expanded with centers in states that did not, the report indicated that patients covered by Medicaid rose to 13% and uninsured patients decreased by 11%.
Researchers also reviewed urban centers from areas that expanded Medicaid with urban centers in areas that did not, but the study did not discover any notable changes to the quality of care.
As opposed to the urban community health centers, rural centers from states that expanded Medicaid saw substantial improvement. Researches strongly believe that these improvements may be a result of more affordable prescriptions under Medicaid or perhaps as a result of the fact that insurance access to care makes visits to health professionals less costly.
Are More Conservative Versions of Medicaid Working?
Health Indiana Plan 2.0 was the outcome of the state expanding Medicaid by way of the 1115 waiver process. In order to qualify, program enrollees are required to contribute to a health savings account. Any time an enrollee fails to make a payment, their benefits are reduced. Furthermore, enrollees that make more than the poverty line are locked out of coverage for 6 months if they miss a payment.
Indiana University explored the effects of the state's decision and compared it to other states that expanded. Using data from the American Community Survey, analysts aimed to see if adults between the ages of 18 and 64 had insurance coverage or Medicaid coverage from 2009 to 2016. According to their analysis, states that expanded their Medicaid programs saw greater gains in comparison to states that did not. Generally, states that had higher insurance coverage rates before expanding saw more gains. Out of 27 states, Indiana ranked in the middle at 13.
Regardless of Indiana's additional conditions for coverage, the state experienced notable Medicaid coverage gains. Whether or not the gains could have been larger without the requirements could not be determined. Also, Indiana's cost-sharing requirements may be the reason for the state's underperformance.
A 30,000 Foot View Of Medicaid After Expansion
From the start of Medicaid expansion, there have been 77 research studies released with 440 unique analyses. More than half of the studies indicate that the effects of Medicaid expansion are in line with the goals of the Affordable Care Act. 35% of the studies showed no significant discoveries and 4% discovered a negative effect after expanding Medicaid.
Up to this point, the studies that have been carried out show that the effects of Medicaid expansion have been positive. The lead author of Indiana University's study, The Effects Of Medicaid Expansion Under The ACA: A Systematic Review, Olena Mazurenko says "With dozens of scientific analyses spanning multiple years, the best evidence we currently have suggests that Medicaid expansion greatly improved access to care, generally improved quality of care, and to a lesser degree, positively affected people's health."
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