Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Aside from climbing health care costs and increased spending from the program's expansion, Medicaid is losing billions of dollars a year from improper payments. Protecting the integrity of the Medicaid program has become a top priority for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). CMS and individual states are looking to technology for cost avoidance solutions to protect the program from fraud, waste, and abuse.


Earlier in the year, CMS and the US Comptroller General met with the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee to go over the agencies initiatives to curb fraud, waste, and abuse. Administrator Verma testified and presented a variety of solutions geared toward audits, but in addition, she emphasized the importance of data optimization.

According to CMS, enhancing data will "drive toward better health outcomes and improve program integrity, performance, and financial management in Medicaid and CHIP."

Verma went on to present the Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information System (T-MSIS). The system partners with states to implement advanced analytics and technologies in the collection of health services data. T-MSIS monitors submitted key information such as beneficiary eligibility, beneficiary and provider enrollment, service utilization, claims and managed care data, and expenditure data. This data will make it possible for states to operate more efficiently and reduce costs.

At the moment, states access federal databases for data matching and the identification of improper payments. However, the data is not current, available, complete, or accurate. While T-MSIS is still being developed and is years away from completion, Medicaid plans will continue to lose billions of dollars.


Each state is required to pursue the recovery of erroneous payments but they lack the technology and data to do so. Rhode Island and Texas have resorted to technology to strengthen and improve their Medicaid programs. Both states have enrolled in the Medical Assistance Intercept System (MAIS).

States submit Medicaid recipient records into the MAIS database and they are then matched daily with personal injury and workers' compensation insurance claims. The system identifies and provides plans with matches and outreach services. States can then issue a lien to the insurer using the data from these matches. MAIS can also file with the insurers on the state's behalf. At the time of settlement, Medical claims are then collected by the state.

Rhode Island started employing MAIS in 2013 to intercept payments for reimbursement to it's Medicaid program. All insurance companies who do business in the state were required to participate in the program.

According to the state, "The MAIS program and Rhode Island's Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) hit a new total of $25 Million in liens in April 2019. Achieving an exceptional increase of 25% since lien amounts were last reported [in September], MAIS has exceeded expectations and continues to grow in both scale and scope with a record single lien of $2.6 million."

This year, Texas became the second state to implement the MAIS program. It is using MAIS as a cost control initiative and expects to offset medical assistance costs in the state.


Outside of government-sponsored programs, there are a number of recovery services; however, none of them effectively reduce improper payments. More than a decade ago, Syrtis Solutions recognized the need for cost avoidance in the Medicaid program and created ProTPL, a real-time, prospective TPL solution for payers of last resort.

Formerly, plans would attempt to maintain data of each beneficiary to coordinate claims correctly. The constant flux of member eligibility, the complexity of coordinating benefits (COB), and the lack of quality data made this extremely challenging. The result was that claims were regularly paid in error and plans had to turn to 'pay and chase' to recover funds. The recovery efforts of these improper payments were also very costly.

The ProTPL program minimizes the need for post-payment recovery with accurate, useful, and real-time ePrescribing eligibility data. The tool seamlessly integrates into Medicaid plans existing processes and immediately decreases improper claims and the need for 'pay and chase.'

Lawmakers, government agencies, and plan administrators are focused on protecting the integrity of the Medicaid program and are turning to technology solutions to do so. Even though recovery efforts are necessary, Medicaid plans recognize that cost avoidance makes more sense. The technology needed to successfully cost avoid is now available from Syrtis Solutions.

Click here and read more.

Thursday, July 25, 2019


In 1965, Title XIX of the Social Security Act established the Medicaid program to provide health care coverage to low-income individuals. Over time it has developed into one of the nation's largest payers for health care, covering one out of five Americans. In FY 2017, the jointly funded program made up 9.5% of federal spending. Because of Medicaid expansion and climbing health care costs, the program has become an even greater component of state budgets. To ensure that the program meets its goals and objectives, legislatures and plan administrators are working to improve program integrity by resolving its vulnerabilities.

COB Challenges

There are presently 56 unique Medicaid programs and each state is responsible for administering its program while remaining compliant to federal guidelines. These broad requirements give states the flexibility to determine covered populations, services, delivery models, and methods of payment. Additionally, states can also test and implement approaches outside of federal standards by obtaining Section 1115 waivers.

While the ability to tailor individual programs helps states meet their individual needs, problems emerge in the Coordination of Benefits (COB) and Third Party Liability (TPL), which is "the legal obligation of third parties to pay part, or all of the expenditures for medical assistance furnished under a Medicaid state plan."

Factors including the complexity of COB and TPL, the continuous flux of the Medicaid population, and uncoordinated eligibility data between federal and state systems leave the Medicaid program vulnerable to improper payments.

Medicaid Expansion Creates Added Complexity

Medicaid expansion has experienced intense debate after the Affordable Care Act revised Medicaid eligibility in 2010. Two years later, the Supreme Court ruled expansion optional and since then 37 states have chosen to expand their eligibility requirements. While more individuals are eligible for coverage, the increased population size has also added to the complexity of the program and emphasized the need for improved program integrity and recovery processes. Existing vulnerabilities, such as improper payments, must be resolved with effective cost avoidance solutions to help ensure the program's sustainability.

$36.2 Billion In Improper Payments

A High-Risk Issue from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported, "Medicaid covered about 75 million people in fiscal year 2018, at an estimated cost of $629 billion--$ 393 billion of which was paid by the federal government. CMS has projected that Medicaid spending will grow at an average rate of 5.7 percent per year from fiscal years 2017 through 2026. In fact, Medicaid spending is expected to reach $1 trillion by fiscal year 2026."

The GAO estimated that improper payments represented 9.8 percent ($36.2 billion) of Medicaid spending in 2018.

Medicaid has been on the GAO's high-risk list since 2003 due to the lack of federal oversight, it's size, and the complexity of the program. As health care costs increase and program eligibility expands, it is becoming a significant expenditure for the federal government and state budgets. Plan administrators need to implement cost avoidance technology solutions in order to save their plans money.

Click the link to learn more.