Monday, August 26, 2013

TPL State Plan Recommendations Part 1: Get insurer Cooperation

The only means for states to have an efficient third party liability plan is through efficient discovery of additional coverage. Additionally, when claims are generated, cost avoidance must be prompt. What works best is when the federal directives and state laws mesh to form a totally thorough DRA plan that recognizes additional health insurance coverage with prompt recovery of each claim.

A thorough state third party liability program must contain:

  • The active detection of other insurance coverage at Medicaid registration.
  • The prompt avoidance of the cost of claims
  • The ability to recuperate claims paid incorrectly

Creating better TPL plans necessitates that states gain from the missteps of other states. Read part 1 of a three part series that summarizes procedures that can be adopted by states to achieve increased TPL recoveries and therefore enhance cost savings...   Read More

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