The ruling to expand was motivated by two contributing factors. First and foremost, last November, the Republicans were at risk of losing their majority rule due to their resistance to Medicaid expansion. Second, Virginia's growing uninsured population is a strain on the state's ability to provide healthcare to its residents. Since the Affordable Care Act was introduced, the uninsured population has expanded as a result of increasing costs for coverage. Proponents feel that Medicaid expansion will strengthen Virginia's health care system and benefit both program members and people with private insurance. However, critics are worried about the related costs and sustainability of expanding the program.
The vote for Medicaid expansion in Virginia is encouraging news for supporters of other states around the country looking to expand their programs. At the moment, there are four states debating the issue.
Utah - In spite of support from lawmakers for a partial expansion, activists in Utah pulled together the required number of signatures to have a full expansion of Medicaid on the state's November ballot. At this time, polls suggest that over half of the state's voters back expansion.
Idaho - According to healthcare advocates, activists in Idaho have accumulated the required signatures for a ballot initiative. The initiative would allow residents to vote in November on a expansion of the states Medicaid program. At the time of this post, the signatures have been submitted to county clerk's for confirmation by June 30th.
Nebraska - Supporters of expansion in Nebraska have been collecting signatures since April for the Insure the Good Life petition. They will need 85,000 signatures from registered voters by July 5th in order to vote on the matter in November's general election. According to groups collecting signatures, momentum is on the side of Medicaid expansion for Nebraska.
Montana - Montana's Medicaid program is wanting to extend their expansion since it is set to expire in 2019. In order to fund the expansion, a ballot initiative requiring 25,000 signatures has been authorized by the Secretary of State. Unlike other efforts, Montana proposes an increase on taxing tobacco by $2.00 a pack alongside a 33% increase of the wholesale price for tobacco products. At this time, proponents are promoting the initiative and securing signatures.
As Virginia neared its first government shutdown, recently legislatures finalized a state budget that incorporated Medicaid expansion. 400,000 residents will now be eligible to enroll in the program. The choice to expand the program, despite resistance from Republican leadership, could be a good indication as to what will occur in other states seeking to expand this year.
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